  • Contest submissions are now labeled with "February submission" when viewing in fullscreen mode.
  • Prevented issues where photos would not appear after posting, and an app restart is required to view them.
  • The save and reaction buttons now open their respective modals when in the photo gallery view. This required trading out the down swipe gesture that previously closed the gallery, but this usually conflicted with the horizontal swipe to view next photo anyway. Let me know in Discord if you have any feedback on how the new gallery feels to use.
  • Temporarily removed product links from search results due to large numbers of product links overwhelming the community-worn pairs for some brands. We will re-introduce products here when we build a sensible way to balance the product and community results. If you are interested in searching for products, please select the
New stores
Product recommendations will now include new stores. Please welcome:
  • HappyPatina
  • Brooklyn Clothing Co.
  • Russell Moccasin
  • Craft & Glory