I'm excited to unveil the most requested feature in Patina Project.
Let's dive right into what's new!
1. You can now add multiple photos for a pair
You can add upload many photos for a pair
2. Multiple photos are grouped into a single post
Multiple photos are grouped into a single post
3. You can now explore different channels
  • All
    - Everything!
  • Saved
    - Photos & reviews of your saved pairs
  • Supporters
    - Posts from Patina Project Supporters
  • Dome
    - View past Thunderdomes here
4. You can sort the feed by New or Random
  • New
    - The latest posts
  • Random
    - Feeling lucky? Find something new here! Random posts rotate daily.
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5. You can now save reviews
6. Find saved reviews in the "Reviews" tab in your boards
Finally, here's what's coming next:
Enjoying these new features & want even more?
I am currently the sole developer of Patina Project, and it's an ongoing challenge to keep the app running smoothly while bringing new features to life. If you are enjoying Patina Project,
please consider becoming a Patina Project Supporter.
You can supercharge the efforts to make Patina Project even more amazing.
Got feedback? Help improve Patina Project by sharing it in the Patina Project Discord! It's my ongoing mission to keep evolving Patina Project to become the most helpful companion for your footwear journey.