Search & filter within collections
Patina Project
Bring the complete search and filter experience to within the Thunderdome or someone's collection.
Currently, the filter experience differs between the entirety of Patina Project vs. searching within the Thunderdome or someone's collection. Searching and filtering should be consistent across the app to keep things simple.
Patina Project
You can now search within collections (or the Thunderdome) using text search and all available filters. See the latest changes for more info!
Patina Project
Merged in a post:
filter options
I love the option to filter dome entries by selecting leathers/makers/models cards. can we have this option for the entire database? right now the main search option isn't like that.
Patina Project
Moving this back to prioritize other features.
Patina Project
in progress
Patina Project
Merged in a post:
Add “Vendor” as a filterable field for the Thunderdome Contest
Since some of the contests and prizes are from specific vendors, it might be helpful to allow users to filter on Vendor, both to see how much competition is doing and also to help gauge the aging behavior of models/leathers that might be a prize selection after the contest
Patina Project